morbidhippie's Diaryland Diary

a survey thing 2004-09-02 8:44 p.m. i'm quite bored and have one thing on my mind distract myself, i will fill this out and post it here. i doubt anyone will read it all.

Have you ever...

--->Had a serious illness? no

--->Been happy about someones death? no

--->Killed an animal? no

(this isn't going very well..)

--->Masterbated? hahahahahaha

--->Been sexually attracted to a cartoon character? yes, i think maybe i mentioned the girl from enid blyton books before? and i remember having a crush on grown up simba when i was little. i also had a crush on michael jackson.

--->Caused a riot? oh, a warehouse riot? no, i don't think so

--->Taken part in a riot? well no

--->Eaten a bug? only the occasionaly moth in a coffee cup

--->Been on stage? mmm yes

--->Joined a gang? hahaha i think in primrary school i started a 'gang' called and life or something, or sex and rock, sex and pop, sex and was pre spice girls, grade 4 maybe, i made myself the president and kind of ordered people to join..we were in primary school so didn't have too much discuss at our 'sex and whatever' meetings..i think it was just to make people be my friends. i think the same kind of thing happened quite a bit through primrary school

--->Been mentally disturbed? well i don't know, apparantly..i guess so, if yes, i still am

--->Stolen? yes..little bits and pieces..and a pair of $80 pants on total impulse

--->Used someone? well yes, i think i have. sorry.

--->Wished to die? silly question

--->Streaked? no....flashed, yes, lots

--->Questioned God's existence? hmmm..i'm not sure actually, probably at some point....well yes actually

--->Cursed at God? uhuh

--->Stalked someone online? hmmm...yeah. quite recently even. just one person..just one..

--->Taken pills? yes? what kind of pills?

For a billion dollars would you...

--->Kill your parents? no

--->Eat an ant farm? mmmmm no..maybe

--->Have same gender sex? haahahha yeah, i'd do it for free

--->Kill your best friend? no..although, there's been quite a few times i've fantastised about killing mark. that boy is just too damn pretty no matter what the circumstances are.

--->Hold up a convenience store? probably not...maybe

--->Shoot yourself in the leg? no..if i got my hands on a gun, there's no way i'd even think about my leg..and the million would be pointless then wouldn't it, so a flat no to that

--->Eat another person? well yes. all of them, or just parts? limbs, organs? hmmm...yes yes yes? strange girl

--->Jump off a three story building? the warehouse? off bek and i's building? maybe....probably not actually, too much pain, that would be pointless

--->Walk naked in a mall?hmmm probably not, down a street, yes

--->Shave your head? ahhhh maybe

--->Drink human blood? yes, definately..i'd do that for free as well, any offers?

--->Box with a kangaroo? no way

--->Kill the president? bush? maybe, john howard? probably not. is it sad that i know alot less abuot howard than i do bush? probably

--->Slap an old person? perverted old guy, maybe...bitchy woman, maybe...i probably wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it. i could kill someone, but not slap them..oh i am All logic

--->Eat your own vommit? no..

--->Eat a booger? no..maybe

--->Strip for Osama Bin Laden? well yes, why not? what makes stripping for asama bin laden different to stripping for a room of random drunk guys? at least it's a little more personal really..i haven't done the stripping for random drunk guys..oh wait, well i sort of have actually..hmm

Out of your friends, who is the...

(i don't really have friends, so we'll see how this goes..maybe i'll..make up names, or just use people who i kind of half sort of know)

--->Loudest? ahh...angelina (i don't know anyone called angelina)


--->Smartest? alex

--->Sweetest? bek maybe..benny can be incredibly can my sister..hmm alot of people actually, nearly everyone



--->Skinniest? jess beer?

--->Most Fashionable? mark. mmm

--->Most Opptimistic? well probably me my own weird little way

--->Cries Least? amanda how often do you shed tears?

--->Most Trustworthy? well no one. (after answering the next question, benny)

--->Most Honest? once again, no one. benny

--->Best for advice? oh, people who ask for advice are really looking for permission? i don't know...everyone maybe..amanda left me a note a little while ago with fantastic advice..i don't know

--->Most likey to become famous? well..probably dave actually, mark and beks dave

--->Most likely to become president? oh, alex

--->Who would you trust with your life? hmmm i can't decide..either no one or a couple of people..mostly ones i haven't met, how strange

Your Favorite...

--->Letter? s?

--->Color? oh, and white (not colours but whatever), brown eyes? hahaha

--->Number? 6

--->Word? hmmmm fuck. i really like the sound of ambidextrus..and glitch..too many

--->Movie? hmmmm.......i don't know, i don't watch many movie..waking life is fantastic, the acid house is funny...kind of sad but i could watch girl interrupted for days..and the doors movie just because..well you know

--->Shape? hmmm i don't know, there's too many to choose from?

--->Person? wow how can you pick one..i don't think i can..favourite famous person i'd probably have to say either tori or ani....maybe, i don't know

--->Relative? hmmm to be fair, all 4 members of my immediate family (and the two extended ones aren't that bad really)

--->T.V. Show? strangers with candy is fucking hilarious. and i've never seen a simspons episode that didn't make me laugh out loud multiple times no matter what mood i was in to begin with

--->Channel? don't have one..

--->Parent? couldn't pick, impossible comparison

--->Resturant? i haven't been to a restaurant for so long, i don't have one

--->Drink? water is good...i drink too much coffee, i guess i like it alot

--->Food? hmm mi goreng noodles? smiths salt and vinegar chips (crinkle cut, has to be crinkle cut)..chocolate? fruit..

--->Snack? hmm see above?

--->Shoe Brand? i guess

--->Underwears? i don't have much underwear. i have one proper bra, which is black and lacy and one lovely little vintage-esque crop top lacey see through mesh thing with flowers, so pretty..and underwear underwear..i really like these mesh black and white tiger stripe (zebra darling?) with red hot..and white underwear is just sexy i think. plain white, mmmm

--->Season? hmm winter i guess, spring (judging by the first two days of this one) seems like it's going to be nice though

--->Sport? umm smoking.

--->Weapon? the girl who i got this from said her mouth..i like that. i guess i'd go the same...but maybe not because it does more damage than..wel thats what weapons are for right. who says i want a weapon anyway?

--->Sin? oh, all of them? except for..greed? and jealousy..thats a sin right?

--->Smell? well. lynx phoenix aftershave. because it's mark. and sex. and on my wrist.

--->Shampoo? wow i use some fancy salon redken smooth down smells nice. i used to use pantene pro-v hydrating curls shampo? that stuffs great

Last person you...

--->kissed?ick, shem..lets ignore that and say mark, aaaw

--->Hugged? ummm well my dad..and i saw miss stevi today and she gave me lots of hugs. oh and so did lovely kirsty

--->Slept with? ick, once again shem but lets ignore it and say mark..once more, aaaw

--->Licked? hmm maybe bek..probably mark. wow, i'm going through like..a drought,'s been months since i've seen him like that..eyes closed and half smiles..ahhh dear

--->Ate? um eating people? oh hmm..i'm just going to leave this one alone

--->Cursed out? cursed out? well probably benny because we had that little spat the other night. it wasn't very nice. i said fuck you. but he didn't hear..which is good

--->Intensionally hurt? ahhh..well tht would probably be mark as well, but even a longer tme ago...the rockstar fight, maybe even little comments after that

--->Punched? i don't think i've ever punched anyone.

--->Loved? have a crazy guess..

--->Killed? ah....i can't even think of something slightly witty

--->Danced with? bek maybe, i think

--->Stalked? yes, take another guess

--->Hated? hmm and another even..maybe. or no one at all, it's such a strong term

--->Gave the finger to? oh i give the finger to people through doors and walls all the dad or brother mostly..maybe to my sister over the phone

--->Cried with? hmmm who have i cried with? well, mark again i guess

--->Fought with? benny..

--->Talked with? family members, bianca

--->Laughed with? bianca

--->Made bleed? hmmm i don't think i've made anyone bleed? i know i've..put the thought in peoples heads and then they've done it but they may have done it anyway..

--->Ate with? hmm i was eating while talking with (the girl has a name, a lovely one) today

--->Hung out with? oh, lovely, yes, see above i guess..hahaha it doesn't really count though does it? so umm...jack and amanda. wow, a week ago..i'm so sad

oh. and thats it. i'm still bored. that survey was boring. or maybe just my answers, because i am boring. ha. but it took forty minutes..i'll go do something else.

(mmmm brown eyes..)


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